10th International SME Conference
Podjetniško trgovska zbornica (PTZ) organizira že 10. mednarodno konferenco MSP (za mikro, mala in srednja podjetja) z naslovom “KADRI, KJE STE?”. Rdeča nit mednarodne konference MSP je “PODJETNIŠTVO MED KONKURENČNOSTJO IN NOVO REALNOSTJO”.
Dogodek bo potekal dne 22. marca 2023, (samo) v živo, v Kongresnem centru na Brdu pri Kranju med 9.30. In 16.30 uro. Pričakujemo 150 - 200 udeležencev dogodka (podjetniki, kadrovske agencije, proizvajalci, trgovski agenti, distributerji). Na 10. konferenci MSP se bomo dotaknili problematike pomanjkanja kvalitetnih kadrov, ki predstavlja danes velik izziv tako za velika podjetja, kot za MSP-je. Poseben problem predstavlja zaposlovanje tujcev (še posebej v trgovini, zaradi jezikovnih ovir).
Med govorniki naj izpostavimo Aljošo Bagola, ki bo predaval na temo izgorelosti in dr. Dejana Verčiča iz Fakultete za družbene vede, ki nam bo predstavil Kakšen je pogled »milenijcev« na zaposlovanje doma ali v tujini. Na okroglo mizo smo povabili ugledne goste, s katerimi bomo poskušali izvedeti, kakšen je njihov pogled na kadre danes in v prihodnosti.
Kot »vzporedni dogodek« bomo izvedli B2B mreženje med trgovskimi agenti, proizvajalci in distributerji. Na dogodek smo povabili trgovske agente in proizvajalce/distributerje svetovnega združenja IUCAB in trgovske agente V Evrope ( ex-Jugoslavija, Albanija, Turčija, Romunija, Bolgarija in Madžarska). Na ta dan bomo tudi uradno lansirali blagovno znamko ARAA (Adriatic Region Agent's Association), ki bo v bodoče združevala vse deležnike v prodaji na območju V Evrope, vendar pod okriljem mednarodnega združenja IUCAB.
Voden ogled parka Brdo, ki se ga lahko udeležite ob zaključku konference, je že vključen v kotizaciji.
Vljudno vabljeni!
mag. Vida Kožar
direktorica Podjetniško trgovske Zbornice

The Chamber of Small Business and Trade (PTZ) is organizing already the 10th international SME conference (for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) titled "HUMAN RESOURCES, WHERE ARE YOU?". The red thread of the international SME conference is "ENTREPRENEURSHIP BETWEEN COMPETITION AND THE NEW REALITY".
The event will take place on March 22, 2023, (only) live at Congress Center on Brdo pri Kranju between 9.30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. We expect 150 - 200 participants of the event (entrepreneurs, recruitment agencies, manufacturers, commercial agents, distributors). At the 10th SME conference, we will touch the issue of the lack of quality personnel, which today represents a major challenge for both large companies as well as SMEs. A special problem is the employment of foreigners (especially in trade, due to language barriers).
Among the speakers, we can single out Aljoša Bagola, who will give a lecture on the subject of burnout, and doctor Dejan Verčič from the Faculty of Social Sciences, who will present to us the view of "millennials" on employment at home or abroad. We have invited prominent guests to the round table, with whom we will try to find out what their view is on human resources today and in the future.
As a "parallel event" we will conduct B2B networking between commercial agents, manufacturers and distributors. We invited commercial agents/producers/distributors of the world association IUCAB and commercial agents of Eastern Europe (former Yugoslavia, Albania, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary) to the event. On this day, we will also officially launch the brand ARAA (Adriatic Region Agent's Association), which will in the future unite all stakeholders in sales in the Eastern Europe area, but under the auspices of the international association IUCAB.
Don't miss the guided tour of Brdo Park at the end of the 10th anniversary conference of SMEs.
Vida Kožar, M.Sc., director of PTZ
