Mreženje-poslovne priložnosti / Networking-business opportunities
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MEET THE ADRIATIC AGENTS - ARAA- B2B mreženje med trgovskimi agenti, proizvajalci in distributerji

Adriatic Region Agents Association – ARAA  (nekdanje Združenje trgovskih agentov Slovenije - ZTAS), ki deluje v okviru Podjetniško trgovske zbornice pri GZS in kot član IUCAB, mednarodnega združenja trgovskih agentov je organiziralo v sodelovanju s partnerji  Enterprise Europe network , mednarodno poslovno srečanje  » Meet the Adriatic Agents - ARAA « ki je potekalo  22. marca 2023 na Brdu pri Kranju.


Srečanje je  bilo namenjeno distributerjem, proizvajalcem in trgovskim agentom, ki ponujajo izdelke in storitve iz različnih dejavnosti in iščejo nove poslovne priložnosti.

V okviru dogodka smo uradno lansirali blagovno znamko ARAA (Adriatuc Region Agents Association), ki bo v bodoče zruževala vse deležnike  na območju Vzhodne Evrope, vendar pod okriljem mednrodnega združenja IUCAB.


Združenje  ARAA je na dogodku tudi  prvič uradno predstavilo; prednosti članstva in usposabljanje za pridobitev Certifikata o strokovni kvalifikaciji za poklic Trgovski agent.



MEET THE ADRIATIC AGENTS – ARAA - B2B networking between trade agents, manufacturers and distributors.

Adriatic Region Agents Association - ARAA (former Association of Trade Agents of Slovenia - ZTAS), which operates within the framework of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and as a member of IUCAB (the international association of trade agents) organized in cooperation with EEN (Enterprise Europe network)  an international business meeting » Meet the Adriatic Agents - ARAA" on March 22, 2023 in Brdo pri Kranju. 

The meeting addressed the distributors, manufacturers and sales agents who offer products and services from various activities and are looking for new business opportunities.

As part of the event, we officially launched the brand ARAA (Adriatic Region Agent's Association), which in the future will unite all stakeholders in sales in the area of ​​Easterm Europe, but under the auspices of the international association IUCAB.

At the event, ARAA also officially presented the benefits of membership and training programme for obtaining a Certificate of Professional Qualification for the Trade agent profession for the first time.

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